EDITOR’S NOTE: We want to introduce the Miss Lipa Tourism 2024 candidates to our followers. For this series, we sent a list of questions to the candidates. Read on for their answers so you can get to know them better.

Full Name: Marion Anne Lucero Bautista

Nickname: Marion

Age: 21

Barangay represented: Sico, Lipa City

Motto in life: “The one who never fail are those who never try.”

Past awards:

  • Ms. EBA SportsFest 2023 

1. Can you please introduce yourself to our followers?

Mabuhay! I am Marion Anne Lucero Bautista, 21, your Miss Lipa Tourism candidate number 6, proudly representing Sico Lipa City. I’m thrilled to go on to this journey and use this platform to represent our community.

2. Can you describe your usual day?

As a student-athlete, my days are a mix of being productive and tiring since my mornings are dedicated to attending classes and managing my academic responsibilities, while my afternoons are mostly spent on volleyball practice. Balancing studies and extracurricular activities taught me discipline, time management, and resilience.

3. Can you describe the modern Lipeña?

A modern Lipeña is emphatic, educated, and community-oriented. She values tradition and innovation at the same time as well as advocating for education and sustainable development in Lipa City.

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4. What’s your favorite Lipeño food? Why?

My favorite Lipeño dish is sinaing na tulingan because this tasty dish not only reminds me of Lipa City’s access to fresh seafood but also celebrates our rich culinary heritage.

5. What made you decide to join Miss Lipa Tourism 2024?

I chose to join Miss Lipa Tourism 2024 to step out of my comfort zone and serve as a voice for my community. This platform allows me to promote the beauty and culture of Lipa City, share my passion for tourism and sustainability, as well as inspire others to appreciate and preserve our local heritage.

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6. Why do you think you should win Miss Lipa Tourism 2024?

I should win Miss Lipa Tourism 2024 because as woman of empathy, I know how to put myself in someone’s shoes in order for me to know what they are currently facing. I am also dedicated on promoting our city’s tourism potential. Additionally, through my background as a student-athlete I will be able to bring the right perspective when it comes to discipline and teamwork.

7. How do you plan on helping your fellow Lipeños as a candidate for Miss Lipa Tourism 2024?

As a Miss Lipa Tourism 2024 candidate, I plan to support my fellow Lipeños by advocating for sustainable tourism initiatives through aiming to collaborate with LGUs, businesses, and organizations to enhance community involvement and environmental preservation.

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8. What is your advocacy?

My advocacy focuses on increasing community participation in sustainable tourism. For the reason that involving local residents in tourism initiatives can create a more inclusive, sustainable, and vibrant tourism industry. This approach not only protects our environment but also empowers our community economically and culturally.

9. What’s your message to your fellow Lipeños?

To my fellow Lipeños, I encourage you to be proud about our own heritage and support sustainable tourism because at the end of the day, it is us who are able to showcase Lipa City’s beauty while preserving it for future our generations.

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10. If you could choose 3 things (food, places, people, etc.) to promote Lipa City, what would they be?

If I could promote three things about Lipa City, it would be the delicious sinaing na isda, our historic and architecturally rich San Sebastian Church, and the hospitable people of Lipa.

11. Anything else you want to tell us?

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who are always there to support me and I also am very grateful to represent my barangay which is Sico, Lipa City, in Miss Lipa Tourism 2024. I hope that I can inspire and lead with dedication and I am looking forward on contributing meaningfully to the growth and promotion of Lipa City.