EDITOR’S NOTE: We want to introduce the Miss Lipa Tourism 2024 candidates to our followers. For this series, we sent a list of questions to the candidates. Read on for their answers so you can get to know them better.

Full Name: Abegail Alor Caraig

Nickname: Abby

Age: 23

Barangay Represented: Barangay Rizal

Motto in Life: “Promote vitality, unity, and well-being for all.”

Past Awards:

  • Advanced ROTC Officer in the Air Force of the Philippines

1. Can you please introduce yourself to our followers?

Hello everyone! I am Abegail Alor Caraig, but you can call me Abby. I am proudly representing Barangay Rizal in the upcoming Miss Lipa Tourism 2024. I am 23 years old and a graduating student in BS Criminology at KLL. I also graduated as an S3-Operation Advanced ROTC Officer in the Air Force of the Philippines. My passion lies in promoting sports, wellness, and tourism in our vibrant city.

2. Can you describe your usual day?

My usual day begins early with a workout or jog to keep my energy levels high and my mind focused. Afterward, I head to my classes at KLL, where I am diligently working towards my degree in BS Criminology. Afternoons are dedicated to my advocacy projects, planning events and initiatives that promote sports and wellness in Lipa. I am also catching up with my team to strategize and prepare for the Miss Lipa Tourism pageant. Evenings are a time for family, friends, and enjoying the rich flavors of Lipeño cuisine while brainstorming new ideas to enhance our community.

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3. Can you describe the modern Lipeña?

The modern Lipeña is a blend of tradition and innovation. She values her cultural heritage while embracing modern opportunities and challenges. She is empowered, confident, and dedicated to making a meaningful impact in her community, the city of Lipa.

4. What’s your favorite Lipeño food? Why?

My favorite Lipeño food is Lomi. It’s a delicious and hearty noodle soup that perfectly represents the warmth and comfort of our local cuisine. It’s a beloved dish that brings people together, making it a true representation of our community spirit.

5. What made you decide to join Miss Lipa Tourism 2024?

I joined Miss Lipa Tourism 2024 to advocate for sports and wellness, which are vital for our community’s health and unity. This platform allows me to promote initiatives that integrate these elements into our daily lives, thereby fostering a more vibrant and connected Lipa. Additionally, I aim to showcase our city’s beauty and culture to a broader audience.

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6. Why do you think you should win Miss Lipa Tourism 2024?

I believe I should win Miss Lipa Tourism 2024 because of my unwavering dedication to my advocacy. My commitment to promoting health, unity, and well-being aligns perfectly with the values of this pageant. I am determined to be a positive role model and ambassador for Lipa, highlighting our city’s rich heritage and potential.

7. How do you plan on helping your fellow Lipeños as a candidate for Miss Lipa Tourism 2024?

As a candidate, I plan to help my fellow Lipeños by initiating community programs that emphasize physical fitness, mental health, and overall wellness. I will work with local organizations to create events that celebrate our cultural heritage and promote tourism, enhancing Lipa’s appeal as a health and wellness destination.

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8. What is your advocacy?

My advocacy focuses on promoting sports and wellness as integral parts of a thriving community. Through the #EatPrayLoveLipa initiative, I aim to foster healthy living, cultural appreciation, and community engagement. By prioritizing these areas, we can improve the quality of life in Lipa, attract visitors, and establish our city as a premier destination for health and wellness tourism.

9. What’s your message to your fellow Lipeños?

To my fellow Lipeños, let’s unite to celebrate our heritage, embrace wellness, and support one another. Together, we can make Lipa a beacon of health, unity, and cultural pride. Your involvement is crucial in making our community stronger and more vibrant.

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10. If you could choose 3 things (food, places, people, etc.) to promote Lipa City, what would they be?

If I could choose three things to promote Lipa City, they would be:

   – Lomi: Our iconic dish that showcases our culinary excellence.

   – Mt. Malarayat: A natural treasure perfect for hiking and appreciating the beauty of our environment.

   – Our festivals and events: Celebrations that highlight our rich culture and bring our community together.

11. Anything else you want to tell us?

I am honored to represent Barangay Rizal and to be part of this remarkable journey. I am committed to making a positive impact and showcasing the best of Lipa. Thank you for your support, and let’s continue to work together for a healthier, more united community.