Mary Mediatrix Medical Center: Erasing the HIV and AIDS Stigma

The Mary Mediatrix Medical Center is playing an important role in erasing the HIV and AIDS stigma. They're also the trusted name of HIV and AIDS patients, helping them manage their sickness.Watch this video and educate yourself on HIV and AIDS. Share the video. Erase the stigma.

Posted by Hello Lipa on Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Mary Mediatrix is doing its part in erasing HIV stigmatization and discrimination. A lot of this comes from misinformation and lack of education, and as a result, those who suffer from this condition are marginalized. This video provides insights from two individuals living with HIV and how it affects their lifestyle, friendships and family, and future. 

It is our responsibility to stop the circulation of false information and educate ourselves on this topic and do what we can to protect, empower, and include those who have HIV. Some common misconceptions of how HIV is spread are: through mosquitoes, the use of public bathrooms, and using public pools. However, HIV is transmitted via sexual intercourse, needles, and from mother to daughter. It is important that we accept those who have HIV so that they can comfortably receive the medical treatment they need and do not feel the need to hide.

Mary Mediatrix has HIV counselors who help spread awareness and provide learning opportunities for their clients. Many do not know that HIV damages the immune system by killing its cells, and so the body becomes weaker. If HIV goes untreated, it eventually becomes AIDS, which is the last stage of an HIV infection.

Everyone can benefit from this video. We can learn what HIV is, what the symptoms are, and what treatment options are available. We can also learn how acts of stigmatization and discrimination affect the everyday lives of those living with HIV. #YourIllnessDoesNotDefineYou