Lipa City – A total of 201 senior citizens from Lipa City attended the two-hour livelihood seminar spearheaded by SM City Lipa and SM Cares last May 29, Tuesday at the Events Center of SM City Lipa.

Cecil de Jesus, Manager of Lipa Beekeepers Marketing Cooperative, discussed the basics in starting beekeeping and its environmental and personal health benefits.

Another speaker, Mr. Jeric Quiñonez of Human Heart Nature, discussed the mission of his company as a social enterprise and its ways on how it could be a possible entrepreneurial venture. 

Ian Darcy Lumabao, owner of Ian Darcy Perfume, inspired the audience on how unimportant age is to start being an entrepreneur.

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The officers and members of Lipa City Federation of Senior Citizens Association (LICFOSCA) together with the guest speakers.

The seniors were also given gift packs of perfumes from Ian Darcy, Honey Soap from the Lipa Beekeepers Marketing Cooperative and organic soap from Human Heart Nature.

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