In case of an emergency situation, do you know who to call? The number is 773-6800, LOCAL – 1111, which is the emergency hotline number of Mary Mediatrix Medical Center.
Once you’ve called the number, make sure to provide the following information: nature of the incident, brief history of what happened, number of casualties, demographics, and a contact number. It is important to have at least one emergency number saved in your phone so you know who to contact if something happens. Think of how many tragedies have occurred because the right authorities could not be contacted because no one knew who to call. For those who see emergency vehicles coming their way, make sure to move out of their way out of courtesy so that they can reach their destination faster.
Do not be a bystander. Do not be someone who stands by and watches what happens without doing something about it, or even someone that ignores it. Even if you were not directly involved, you can always help those who were. Your emergency hotline helper can help calm you down and guide you through what you should do in the event of an emergency. Never forget that you can always help and you can be the difference between lives saved and lives lost.
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